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Go beyond classical
veterinary medicine

Prevent illness and support your animal's wellbeing from inside out

"My mission is to bring deep understanding, connection and trust between animals and their guardians so that together, they can heal through trauma, prevent stress

and dis-ease and strengthen their bond of unconditional love."

- Dr.Ilona Schilling -


How does Holistic Healing work?

Being a doctor of Veterinary Medicine for 24 years and having been studying Traditional Medicine modalities for many years gives me a tool kit of blending Western Medicine with Eastern Medicine.


I created an integrated healing approach for my animal patients by using my expertise in understanding the veterinarians` diagnosis and adding my insights from Chinese Five Element assessments. This integration allows me creating holistic treatment strategies that promote healing and well-being for your animal companion.


Our animals are constantly exposed to different kind of stressors which can induce an emotional, mental and physical imbalance in our  animal`s body. This can cause disharmonies in the body meridians and eventually has an effect on the behaviour and the different organ systems of your animal.


Our animals often suffer from early life trauma, shock situations like accidents or loss of a companion, change of homes, behavioral problems, fears or physical ailments.  


Also they can mirror our feelings and emotions in their behaviour which can bring them out of balance.


Creating a holistic treatment plan with Oils, Hydrosols and Herbs according to the imbalances of your animal`s meridians and a detailed description of your animal`s life history, will support the release of trauma, energy blockages and help the body to regenerate and get back into harmony. In combination with Acupressure points, Bowen Therapy and Fascia massage the energy flow realigns through your animal `s body and the mental, emotional and physical health state of your animal friend will be rebalanced.


Additionally nutritional changes from a Chinese perspective and the adding of natural supplements might be necessary to support the digestive tract and optimize the absorption and metabolism to ensure the optimal nutrition of your animal companion.


Meeting my animal patients in their homes, shows me a true picture of their environment, life style and behaviour, but the digital age makes it also possible to do thourogh consultations and assessments via Zoom. This way I can support clients anywhere in the world promoting their animal companion`s wellbeing and healing.

Yellow Flowers

Holistic Healing can provide relief for many conditions such as:

Stress-related Disorders

- harmonizing emotions

- calming down

- relaxing

- helping with adrenal exhaustion

- stress-related digestive disorders

Boosting the Immunesystem

- immune stimulating

- anti-pathogenic

- anti-infectious

- anti-inflammatory

- autoimmune diseases

- allergies

Digestion and Detoxification

- digestive disorders

- metabolic disorders

- stimulating appetite

- supporting the liver 

- supporting the urinary tract system

- diuretic


- early trauma

- abandonment

- aggression

- separation anxiety

- loss (of companion)

- lack of confidence

- overwhelmed by crowds

- new home

- travel phobia

- obsessive behaviours

- self-harm

- lethargic, depressive

Endocrine System

- thyroid imbalances

- adrenal gland imbalances

- irregular cycle

- post parturition

- reproductive disorders

- genital infections

- uncomfortable heat

Circulation, Muscles, Joints

- aches and pain

- arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis

- bony growth

- neuro-muscular problems

- muscle fatigue, cramps, strains, stiffness

- stimulating circulation

- blood pressure imbalance

- heart palpitation

Skin, Ears and Eyes

- parasites

- hot spot, sweet itch, urticaria

- soft lumps, warts, tumors, ulcers

- skin problems, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections

- ear infections

- eye infections

- runny eyes

- ear mites

- glaucoma, uveitis


Respiratory Tract Disorders

- respiratory infections

- asthma

- excess mucous

- recurrent airway obstruction COPD

- kennel cough

- allergies

- sinus problems

- airborne bacteria

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Who it's for


Animal guardians who seek alternatives to conventional veterinary medicine, open and curious to alternative healing modalities and willing to go on a journey alongside their animal and be fully involved in the healing process.


Program Features


You will recieve Chinese element and meridian balance assessments, a customized treatment plan, 3 live 1x1 sessions and a personalized weekly support to assess your animal's healing response and make adjustments as needed.


Program Benefits


By the end of the program, you will have a deep understanding of your animals behaviors, tools to support your animals unique needs, a stronger bond with your animal, and you may even experience some healing of your own.


Total Investment: Euro 610





A La Carte Menu

Chinese Element Assessment


Understanding the 5 Chinese elements and discovering your animal's Chinese element will help you understand their character, behaviour, emotions and predisposition to certain illnesses. You learn how to train and feed your animal in an optimal way and install measures to prevent disease by meeting their individual needs through nutrition and natural supplements.


Euro 120

Single Holistic Assessment


Help your animal regain physical and emotional balance through a custom brand of essential oils, hydrosols, herbs, acupressure points, Fascia massage, Bowen therapy and nutritional support. We will do a Chinese element assessment, meridian analysis and create a holistic treatment plan for your animal including a follow-up assessment re-assessing the meridians and adjusting the holistic treatment plan.


Euro 280

Preventative Treatment Plan


Use holistic healing to keep your animal companion healthy and stable. A preventative treatment plan will give you everything you need to help your animal lessen trauma and stress that may be caused by an upcoming move, adoption of another animal, boarding, having a baby, loosing a companion or other changes and stress factors that will impact their and their guardians' life. Prevention is the best protection for your animal to live a long and happy life.


Euro 210

Meet Dr.Ilona

Meet Dr. Schilling

Ever since I was a young girl, I've had a special place in my heart for animals. I've always been keenly aware of their connection with their human guardians and recognized that they have unique needs and emotions just like people do. Which is why I have dedicated my work to helping pet owners connect with and understand their animals on an emotional and energetic level.


After graduating in Veterinary Medicine from Szent Istvan University, Budapest in 2000 and working at the university hospital for a few years, I felt called to go deeper than allopathic medicine and decided to extend my knowledge with bioenergetic and naturopathic modalities.


Since then, I've studied and certified in Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Reiki , Bowen Therapy, TCM Canine Nutrition, 5 Element Theory, Acupressure and Essential Oil/Hydrosol Therapy for Animals and have developed an integrated, holistic practice for treating animals. I am currently studying Chinese Herbs.


My goal is to advice my clients how to holistically support their animal and develop an individual healing plan according to their unique needs by using integrated medicine combining my medical and naturopathic knowledge.


By helping bringing deep understanding, connection and trust between animal companions and their guardians, they can heal together through stress, trauma or dis-ease and strengthen their bond of unconditional love.


I invite you to come with me on a journey to find out your animal`s Chinese element, learn about their Meridians and how to bring them back into balance, and how to use Essential Oils, Hydrosols, Herbs, Acupressure points, nutritional changes, Bowen Therapy and Fascia massage to support your beloved animal companion's physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.


Dr. Ilona Schilling

Holistic Veterinarian


"Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul" - Pythagoras 


I`m so grateful for the healing journey with HolisticHealing4Paws that Dr.Ilona opened up for Flora and I and my family. The oils and hydrosols helped Flora to peacfully leave her body being sick with leukemia. Initially I thought it was only for Flora`s benefit but it greatly was also vital for us all.

Corry MacDonald

We define wellness as an animal who is able to express their nature, with curiosity and connection because their body and mind are free of suffering.

Your Animal`s Health Starts Here

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Contact Info



ul.Akademik Ivan Buresh Nr.18, 1407 Sofia, BG

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